
The Office of Independent Review (OIR) works to ensure that the needs of the community and the County of Orange are met by providing accountability in the performance and operations of the following County agencies:

  • Orange County Sheriff’s Department;
  • Probation Department;
  • Office of the District Attorney;
  • Office of the Public Defender; and,
  • the Social Services Agency.

The OIR monitors and reviews specific incidents, systemic issues, and assists in developing and assessing corrective actions that address high risk practices of the agencies it oversees. It is not a disciplinary agency, but it is empowered to make recommendations and independently investigate particular allegations. 

The OIR has the specific authority to investigate and review:

  • Deaths and serious bodily injuries in which the person harmed has had official contact with the Departments within its purview, including uses of force that result or are likely to result in serious bodily injury or death;
  • Public or internally generated complaints which involve unlawful, improper, or excessive force; certain types of acts or threats of discrimination; sexual harassment; interference in, obstruction of, or improper influence over any investigation; and, other misconduct listed here.
  • Other topics identified in the Ordinance that empowers it, available here.