Office of Independent Review

 The Office of Independent Review (OIR)

The Office of Independent Review (OIR) is committed to ensuring transparency and accountability across five key county agencies: the Orange County Sheriff's Department, Probation Department, Office of the District Attorney, Office of the Public Defender, and the Social Services Agency. As an independent resource for the Board of Supervisors, the OIR identifies specific incidents and systemic issues that pose high risks and potential liabilities for the County.

To help the public understand the scope of our work, we investigate and review the following types of allegations set forth by citizens or internally generated complaints:

  1. Use, threat, solicitation, or encouragement of unlawful, improper, or excessive force

  2. Acts or threats of discrimination or disparate treatment or verbal slurs based on race, ethnicity, religious affiliation or belief, national origin, political affiliation, gender, disability, or sexual orientation

  3. Sexual harassment

  4. The improper display or use of firearms, other weapons, or force

  5. Falsification of government documents or reports

  6. Interference in, obstruction of, or improper influence over any investigation authorized by law or this ordinance in a manner that inhibits or compromises the impartial search for truth

  7. Making false or misleading statements in any investigation authorized by law or this ordinance

  8. Making false or misleading statements to relevant County Department supervisors and/or other officials

  9. Use of illicit drugs

  10. Use of an official position for personal or financial gain

  11. Bringing, or assisting or permitting others to bring, contraband to inmates or others in custody

  12. Criminal conduct

The Office of Independent Review (OIR) utilizes a stringent set of criteria to determine which cases we investigate to ensure our resources are effectively utilized and our oversight is impactful. The criteria include:

  1. Scope of Authority: We first assess whether the issue falls within OIR’s jurisdiction and aligns with our mandate to oversee and ensure accountability within the five agencies we supervise.

  2. Resource Availability: We evaluate whether OIR has the necessary resources, including personnel, expertise, and time, to thoroughly and effectively undertake the review of the issue at hand.

  3. Appropriateness of OIR Review: We consider whether OIR is the most suitable body to address the matter or if the issue would be better handled by another oversight entity or investigative process to ensure the most effective resolution.

By adhering to these criteria, the OIR ensures that our investigations are not only within our capacity but also that they are the most appropriate and effective means of addressing the concerns raised, thereby maintaining the integrity and effectiveness of our oversight role.

If you have information or concerns regarding any of these issues within the five county agencies, we urge you to inform us so we can take appropriate action. To file a complaint, please follow the steps outlined below. We review all submissions to determine if they fall within our mandate. If your complaint meets our criteria, we will reach out for further information to ensure a thorough review.

Steps to File a Complaint:

  1. Download the Complaint Form

    Click the link below to download the complaint form. 

    OIR Complaint Form


  2. Fill Out the Form

    Provide detailed information about your complaint, including relevant dates, locations, and any individuals involved.

    Ensure all sections of the form are completed to the best of your knowledge.


  3. Submit the Form

    Once you have completed the form, you can submit it via email, mail, or in person.

    Email: Send the completed form to

    By Mail: Address your completed form to:

    Office of Independent Review

    601 N. Ross St, Second Floor

    Santa Ana, CA, 92701

    In Person: Visit our office during business hours at the address listed above.


What Happens Next?

After we receive your complaint, our team will review it to determine if it falls within our mandate. If your complaint is within our scope, we will contact you for additional information and to discuss the next steps. Our goal is to ensure that your concerns are addressed promptly and thoroughly.

Thank you for helping us maintain accountability and transparency within our county agencies. 

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OIR_Complaint_Form.pdf 311.03 KB July 2, 2024